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Akdeniz’in en büyüklerinden! Her geçen gün bir yenisi ortaya çıkıyor

Akdeniz’in en büyük tiyatrolarından olan İzmir'in merkezindeki antik döneme ait Smyrna Tiyatrosu gün yüzüne çıkartılıyor. İKÇÜ Türk-İslam Arkeolojisi Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi ve Smyrna Antik Kenti Kazı Heyeti Başkanı Prof. Dr. Akın Ersoy, 'Nal' şeklinde mimari bir tasarıma ve 20 bin kişilik oturma alanına sahip olan tiyatronun basamaklarının her geçen gün daha da ortaya çıkarıldığını söyledi.

Izmir Katip Celebi University Continues Excavations in Smyrna Ancient City

With the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Izmir Katip Celebi University (IKCU) continues excavation works in the Smyrna Ancient City with the support of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, Yasar Education and Culture Foundation, Izmir Chamber of Commerce, and Guzel Energy Fuel Inc. The historical importance of Smyrna Agora, one of the largest ancient agoras in Izmir center, and Smyrna Theatre, one of the largest theaters in the Mediterranean, is revealed through these works. Archaeological excavations in the city, which was built on a 193-hectare area by Alexander the Great from Kadifekale to Kemeralti, reveal thousands of objects from the Hellenistic period to the Late Ottoman period.

As part of the World Heritage Temporary List, Smyrna Ancient City, included in the Heritage Area created by UNESCO in 2020 as ‘Izmir Historical Port City,’ yielded kitchen and household items such as dishes, bowls, strainers, lamps, jugs, weaving weights, plates, and lids dating back to the 1st to 4th centuries AD.

Capacity of 20,000 People

Prof. Dr. Akin Ersoy, a member of the IKCU Turkish-Islamic Archaeology Department and Head of the Smyrna Ancient City Excavation Team, stated that they have been conducting excavations at Smyrna Theatre with a team of 20 people within the scope of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s ‘Legacy for the Future Project,’ mentioning the various activities that have been taking place at the location where the theater is located for 2,300 years. The theater has witnessed the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

Providing information about the structure of Smyrna Theatre, Prof. Dr. Akin Ersoy said, “Smyrna Theatre was built in the 3rd century BC. With the changes and additions made during the Roman period, it has a capacity of 20,000 people. It has a view of Izmir Gulf. It has a structure shaped like a horseshoe. The seating rows are in 3 tiers. Steps are placed in three different tiers up to the road above. In this frame, we continue our excavations according to the line and the bottom of the road.”

‘Various Shows Were Presented in the Historical Area’

Prof. Dr. Ersoy also provided information about how the theater was used in the past, stating that it was used for various events, with the most important being the religious festivals. Additionally, it served as a political space where public assemblies were held, and decisions made by rulers or emperors were announced to the public.

He added, “Various events were held here for the city. The streets of the city used to empty, and people would gather at Smyrna Theatre. Gladiator fights took place, as well as fights between animals or between animals and humans. For naval battles, the orchestra of the theater was filled with water, turned into a pool, and model ships were used to reenact the battles.”

‘Various Events Suitable for the Historical Site Can Be Held in the Future’

Prof. Dr. Ersoy stated that they plan to complete the first stage of excavations within 2 years. After the first stage excavations, there will be a conservation process that will last for a year to strengthen the limestone blocks in the seating rows. He mentioned that Izmir will gain an important cultural site and a desired tourist destination. He also emphasized the potential for various events to be held in the historical venue in the future.